Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The 100 most popular Setswana personal names listed in alphabetical order

Part of my research is on Setswana personal names. I here list the top 100 Setswana personal names from my corpus of over 25 000 Setswana personal names. By (pl.) we mean that it is as if something is said to many people instead of an individual. I am writing a bilingual dictionary of Setswana personal names which will have over 16 000 entries.

Amogelang ---- receive; accept (pl.)
Akanyang ---- think (pl.)
Baboloki ---- saviours; people who save
Barulaganye ---- they come immediately one after the other
Boikanyo ---- a dependence
Boitumelo ---- happiness; joy
Bontle ---- beauty
Botshelo ---- life
Dikeledi ---- tears
Dineo ---- gifts
Dipuo ---- talks
Ditiro ---- acts
Gaone ---- of His (God)
Godiraone ---- it is Him (God) who acts or who does
Gofaone ---- it is Him (God) who gives
Goitsemang ---- who knows?
Goitsemodimo ---- it is God who knows
Goitseone ---- it is him (God) who knows
Gosego ---- lucky is he
Itumeleng ---- be happy; celebrate; rejoice
Kabelo ---- a gift
Kabo ---- that which has been given
Kagiso ---- peace
Karabo ---- answer
Keabetswe ----I have been given
Kealeboga ----thank you; I am thankful
Keamogetse ----I have received; I have been paid
Kedibonye ---- I have seen them
Kefilwe ---- I have been given
Keitumetse ---- I am happy; I am thankful
Kelebogile ---- I am thankful
Keneilwe ---- I have been given
Kenosi ---- I am alone
Kgomotso ---- comfort
Kgosi ---- chief; king
Kgosiemang ---- who is the chief
Khumo ---- wealth; riches
Khumoetsile ---- wealth has come
Lebogang ---- be thankful
Lesedi ---- light
Lesego ---- luck; a blessing
Lorato ---- love
Malebogo ---- thanks (noun)
Marea ---- Mary
Masego ---- blessings
Matlho ---- eyes
Matshidiso ---- condolences
Mmoloki ---- a saviour
Mmusi ---- governor; a ruler
Moagi ---- a builder; a resident
Modise ---- herdboy
Moeng ---- a guest; a visitor
Mogapi ---- one who confiscates
Mogorosi ---- one who brings the animals into the kraal in the evening
Mogotsi ---- the builder of fire
Mokgosi ---- a loud call for help
Molatlhegi ---- the lost one
Molefe ---- pay damages for her
Molefi ---- one who pay damages to another
Mompati ---- one who accompanies me
Mooketsi ---- one who increases
Morapedi ---- one who prays
Moremi ---- one who cuts with an axe
Moseki ---- one who appears before a court
Mosetsanagape ---- a girl again
Mosimanegape ---- a boy again
Mosweu ---- the light coloured
Mothibi ---- one who drives animals
Mothusi ---- a helper
Motlalepula ---- one who brings rain
Motsumi ---- a hunter
Mpho ---- a gift; a present
Neo ---- a gift; a present; that which is given
Oaitse ---- he knows
Obonye ---- he has seen
Odirile ---- he has done, created, made
Oduetse ---- he has paid
Ofentse ---- he has conquered; he is victorious
Olebile ---- he is watching
Olebogeng ---- thank Him (God)
Onalenna ---- He (God) is with me
Onkemetse ---- he is representing me; he is awaiting me
Ontlametse ---- He (God) has protected me; He (God) has tataken care of me
Oteng ---- He is there
Othusitse ---- He has helped
Otsile ---- He has come
Pono ---- sight
Pule ---- rain
Segomotso ---- a comfort
Sethunya ---- a flower
Tapologo ---- relaxation
Tebogo ---- thanks (noun)
Thapelo ---- prayer
Thatayaone ---- His (God) strength
Thato ---- Will; desire
Tshegofatso ---- Grace; Blessing
Tshenolo ---- Revelation
Tshepo ---- Trust
Tsholofelo ---- Expectation
Tuelo ---- Payment


  1. Anonymous11:28 am

    pule goriana go tewa pula?nne ke sa itse waitse... mme ke ntse ke ipotsa gore go tewa eng.

  2. Anonymous11:53 am

    Yep, Setswana se na le maina le mafoko a mothale o e.g. mma/mme

  3. Anonymous6:19 am

    nice names

  4. Very good names Please have a look at Botswana Flash Templates.
    flash and webtemplates

  5. Anonymous5:05 am

    aah!TUMELO ene o kae,kene ke tsaa gore ke lone leina lele itsegeng thata leo.

  6. Anonymous4:26 pm

    ke batlela ngwanake leina le monate le Setswana, mare ga go tle leina le ke le godimo ga mo ga ke na di suggestion. kopa thusa ya lona ka maina a mangwe a Setswana.

    1. Tlotlego?
      A gone O batla le kaya eng ina la teng

    2. Kgatontle- good step
      Katiso- addition
      Kaello- intention
      Kamano- involvement
      Kabo- share
      Kitso- knowledge
      Boipelo- pride
      Kganya- light
      Keneo- im a gift
      Kakanyo- idea

  7. Claudia11:22 am

    Great list, thanks! It would be useful to know which were male and which were female names . . .

  8. Victoria5:17 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this.
    I was down in the Kalahari desert, in South Africa, teaching the young adults there. Being only 17 myself, this was the best experience of my life. I was honoured when they gave me a Setswana name: 'Lebo'. I now wonder what exactly that means? Does it come from Lebogang ---- be thankful? Or what exactly does that mean?

    1. Anonymous4:00 pm

      Lebo can come from Lebogang- be thankful, Kealeboga- I am thankful, Malebogo- thanks, Olebogeng- thank Him, so it had something to do with being thankful or giving thanx

  9. Anonymous9:34 am

    what about kitso le molemo.Omphile le Lemogang
    p.s victoria you are right it does mean be thankful and it can come from Lebogang,Kelebogile,Molebogeng, Relebogile, Or Olebogeng

  10. Anonymous10:32 am

    Setswana names are mostly events driven.Mostly they can be broken into sentences, as smebony will be answering whatever or whoever has cross his or her way. They can olso be gender sensetive but most gender related name will start with Rra for male and Mma for female e.g Rrapula for a guy Mmapule for a lady. And remember rain is pula. But it was nice to see proper interpretations of setswana names

  11. Anonymous10:02 pm

    Dumelang Batswana. Onkemetse directly translated can mean either he's waiting 4 me or representing me, bt beware it does mean that in a name. Rather just: he (God) is representing me. Same as Thato it does nt mean desire in a name.

    All in all bravo zulu 2 the names compiler u'v done ur research.

    1. Anonymous11:54 am

      Please help with the meaning of Leago

    2. Yeah Thato means "will" in a name

  12. Anonymous4:21 pm

    Leina la ngwanake ke Isago,ne e le la nthla ke le utlwa ka go nne nna ke mo Tsonga. le monate e le tota!

    1. Anonymous1:54 pm

      Wow! Nyc name! ISAGO

  13. Anonymous1:52 pm

    My child is called Modie and was given by my mother from Rustenburg from a place called Moruleng and further a place called Magong. I speak Tswana but I have failed to find out what MODIE means. Please find out for me. She keeps on asking me the meaning of the name. Nkaitumela go itse tlhaloso ya leina leo.

    1. The way I understand. Modie yes it can be short for modiehi or modi meaning roots

  14. Anonymous1:55 pm

    My child is called Modie and was given by my mother from Rustenburg from a place called Moruleng and further a place called Magong. I speak Tswana but I have failed to find out what MODIE means. Please find out for me. She keeps on asking me the meaning of the name. Nkaitumela go itse tlhaloso ya leina leo.

  15. MODIE appears to be a short form for MODIEGI, one who delays - a name usually given to a child who was born after the due date! Setswana does that with many names such as SEGA for SEGAMETSI, MOTLALE for MOTLALEPULA and many others

    1. Anonymous1:23 pm

      hi am looking for the meaning of Laone

    2. Anonymous7:23 pm

      Laone ws referred as laone lefoko la modimo.nomaly names wit ONE nne gotwewa modimo

    3. I am pleased to see all my names there on the Most Popular. Lol. Well 2 of them coz the third one is translation of the first Ofentse-Victoria then Tshegofatso. I was named Ofentse and Tshegofatso because my mom was told I would be stillborn. But here I am. My brother is Kgomotso because when my mom gave birth her granny was being burried. The one she was named after.

  16. What names mean is a complex matter. I read two objections by one of the commentators. These are: (1)Onkemetse directly translated can mean either he's waiting 4 me or representing me, bt beware it does mean that in a name. Rather just: he (God) is representing me. (2) Thato does not mean "desire" in a name. My response is this: We can never absolutely know what the givers of names intended the names to mean, although we can derive the meaning from our knowledge of the names themselves. It, is possible that Onkemetse could mean "s/he is representing" me; there is even another meaning that I have not listed, which is "YOU are representing me". The meaning concerning God, as suggested by the commentator above, is also possible. Second, Thato can mean "desire" especially that both desire and 'will' are related, especially if we are using the noun form. e.g. His will/desire is that all people should be saved. In that usage, Thato becomes similar with Keletso & I believe it is a possible meaning.

    1. Anonymous8:52 am

      Kene ka Bona leina la Kabo mme ka lerata, mme ga kene ke simolla go itse gore ke imile kene ke batla go thaya ngwanake Entle. Kabe ke ke kopanya maina a amabedi kamotheya KaboEntle. Batho ba bantsi bale rata leina le. Ke nagana tsatsi Modimo angkgopolang a nneya mpho enngwe ke tlo month neya OabileAmantle.Gosejwang ke leina lame

  17. Anonymous1:32 pm

    A friend of mine is pregnant and looking for tswana name for a boy starting with K,and wants to know the meaning of Omphemetse/phemelo

  18. Anonymous12:30 pm

    Dumela.Ke tlhoka thuso ya gago ka bonako. Leina la kgaitsadi ke Ntagi, mme ga go ope yo itseng thlaloso ya lone. Please Help

  19. Anonymous7:46 pm

    Dumelang Batswana, I would very much love it if u guys would give me a list at least 25 rear nd beautiful setswana names not forgetting they should have meaning eg Lesiba, ke maina a ke batlang le one. Ke lebogela thusa ya lona batswana. A modimo a letshogofatshe. T.M.K(Mafikeng)

  20. Anonymous12:20 pm


  21. Anonymous8:01 am

    Tsholofela actually means hope as well and tshepo could mean the same thing as well they have multi meanings but this is really cool we're trying to give my cousin's daughter a beautiful setswana name re lebogela se o se dirang motho wa batho

  22. Keofitlhetse o agile motse...10:39 am

    Nte ke latlhele la motla-pitsong: Mongwe o batla go itse gore maina a latelang a raya go reng:
    Modie: it means delay him/her.
    Ntagi: From Nnotagi (alcohol), what makes me drunk.
    Mmatsie: its not Matsie but Mmatsie. go na le ditshenekegi tse di jang mabele di bediwa tsie. Tsie e na le dinako tse e tlang go tlhasela ka tsona. Mme bana ba ba belegwang fa e tlhasetse ba bidiwa bo Mmatsie jalo le jalo.

    fa lo balta go itse thata... botsang nna Keofitlhetse morwa Lekwe setlogolo sa Ra-Mooketsi.

    1. Anonymous12:30 pm

      Rra ke nna kele mo Bloemfontein,kwa gae re ba Rolong,fela gago sana ope yo o setseng yo o kang nthusang kago shea ngwana leina. In 9 weeks time I'll be giving birth to a baby Girl,I would like her to name her with a Unique Tswana ne ke nagana 'Tshegohaco or Katlego' ka gonne she is really a Blessing to me,she came unexpectatly fela I'm grateful go nna le ene. I've achived so much for the past few years...ka jaalo ekare leina la gagwe le ka bontsha Appreciation,Happiness,Gratefulness nd dt I'm blessed. Ke kopa thusho ya gago. Ke nna Rebotsamang Tau mo Mangaung. Ke a leboga in advance

  23. Anonymous6:17 am

    whats the meaning of my name SEEMOLE

    1. Anonymous9:25 am

      We are sharing a name there,Seemole. Its a beautiful name and I've also been looking tlhe.

  24. Anonymous3:36 pm

    whats the meaning of my name SERATI?

  25. My name is also Serati, it means loved one, beloved, something like that. It's difficult to translate it absolutely accurately, but i'd say beloved

  26. Anonymous11:50 am

    I'm expecting a baby girl very soon and haven't decided on a name yet. How can I get a hold of your book?

  27. Anonymous10:03 am

    Dumelang Batswana, nna leina la me ke Madiale fela ga ke itse gore le raya eng, nka itumela thata fa le ka nthusa ka tlhaloso kgotsa yo o nang le karabo a ka e romela mo go nna go

  28. Anonymous4:24 pm

    Please help. My name is Tsike- what does it mean? I believe it is a Tswana name.

  29. Anonymous1:43 pm

    botsa motho yo o neng a go fa leina leo Kitse gore one a na le eng mo monaganong

  30. Anonymous1:05 pm


    1. Dumela mogaetsho! Leina Omphemetse le raya gore He protected me. Modimo o mphemetse(derived from go femela/sireletsa). Itz a very beautiful name, my lil brother le ena ke Omphemetse(Omphe).

  31. Anonymous8:03 pm

    What does the name Rakhupe means?

  32. Anonymous6:32 pm

    Dumelang botlhe, nna leina lame ke Omphemetse meaning: He (Lord/God) protected me or in other connotations, "blessed me". Mme batho bale bantsi be tlwaetse Phemelo which also translates to Blessing or protection depending on how one uses it. Ke itumela fa mogaetsho a bua puo ya gaetsho go e atisa, gonne mo metlheng ya gompieno rona rele basha re latlhegelwa ke puo ya rona bogolo segolo gofeta diteme tse dingwe tsa se afrika. A re tshegetseng morwarre ka go tsamaisa lefoko ka leleme le reipelang kalona Kea leboga,(Pula motswana, pula) nna ke Omphemetse Tumisang wa baa Moagi, losika lwa Ra-Diale kwa Phokeng ke mofokeng ka tsalo, mmanape a tshukudu!

    1. Omphemetse Moagi wa ko rustenburg? Go tla jang ke sa go itse..?

      Go a itumedisa go bona rona batswana re ipela ka puo ya rona.Nna bagaetsho ke tlhoka leina la mosimane le le monate le le simololang ka N....
      Mme go na le maina a mangwe a a nkgatlhang jaaka Kaone,meaning with his(God) help/ grace/mercy...Katiso,meaning multiplication/addition... Masego,meaning blessings or lucky spree...Naledi(ngwanake),meaning star or outstanding... Seabelo(ngwanake),meaning gift or sacrifice.. or a part of me..

      Ke le akaletsa masego le matlhogonolo bagaetsho,are tswelleng pele re ikgantsheng...pula!!!

  33. Tebogo Thaga2:12 pm

    Dumelang! Nna ke Tebogo ka lebitso, Ke rata goitse gore Boingotlo ekaya eng? (meaning of Boingotlo) Pula Batswana!!!

  34. u know that lump on your throat when you get overwhelmed by something? yep.
    ke mosetsana wa Mofokeng,Ke morwadi wa ba-Pitso kwa phokeng.lame leina ke Motheo (meaning foundation) senyela gae sa mmaphatswana.

    ke itumelela fa pua ya rona e tshegediwa jaana. i really really appreciate it.

  35. ke kopa le ntlhalosetse leina le ONKGOPOTSE

  36. Kevin112:10 pm

    KE kopa thuso ka leina Boineelo mmogo le Mokoma

  37. Anonymous5:18 pm

    My name ke MOKAITSANE nd i cant seem 2 find out wat it means please help me out

  38. Dumelang, My husband and i've been tyring concieve since 2008, and now for he is great and only him(God) can say its possible and a YES. Ke mo mmeleng. Yanong ke batla leina le tlo go thlalosa what i've been through. I'm thinking, Phenyo, Refentse. Any suggestions?

    1. Anonymous1:52 pm

      Refentse, karabo/Oarabile/Rearabilwe....

    2. Karabo seems to be suitable for what you went through and gives each parent some sort individual achievement for their efforts. The name can be directly Linked to your own name or your husband's.
      (Karabo ya thapelo ya Kena)

    3. Gaoretelelwe meaning Ga a palelwe (Modimo)/ Nothing God cant do

  39. Anonymous1:21 pm

    i am a muslim, i am looking for a Botswana name to give to my child. thats how i reached this site

  40. Anonymous11:58 am

    i would like to find out what the names Nchadi and Shadi mean...

  41. Anonymous6:27 pm

    Ke ratile thata ebile ke lebogela tiro e o kopa thuso ka maina a a simololang ka R, a abasimane le basetsana.

  42. Anonymous12:06 pm

    omphile, omphemetse le tshepiso bone ba kae bagaetsho?

  43. OFENTSE3:48 pm

    leina la me ke OFENTSE :) I must say I really adore my Tswana culture

  44. Anonymous10:13 am

    Dumelang betsho!

    Ke kopa thuso ka tlhaloso ya leina la Lesiba/Lesifa. Mokau wa me o le ratela ngwana wa rona fa e ka tla e le mosimanyana.


  45. Anonymous8:54 am

    Here goes the meaning of Lesiba:

  46. Anonymous9:01 am

    I am married to a moTswana who doesn't speak the language fluently. I love the language and would like to learn it and also teach it to my kids. Are there any audios that one can buy to learn?

  47. Anonymous7:26 pm

    Leina le mme ke Kearabetswe, I think its a beautiful name for a baby girl...yet I what I'm going to name my son/daughter.

  48. Anonymous3:27 am

    Dumelang betsho!
    Ntlhalosetsang leina la me 'Mmoni' ke na le ideanyana mme ke batla clarification i think. Ke kopa tlhaloso, le ka sekgoa le setswana please. Kealeboga thata.

  49. Anonymous8:44 am

    Dumelang! Please let me know what the name 'Laone' means in Setswana. Kealeboga in advance

  50. Anonymous3:27 pm

    Hi, I would like to know what Kaelo means?

    1. daughter's name is Kaello with double "l" it means intention. In a tshwana sentence you would say.."maikaello a me ke go..or ke ikaelletse go.."

  51. Anonymous11:51 am

    It is commendable that you have taken your time to understand these Setswana names. Just like others who have spoken before me, most of these names have been translated directly which takes away the beauty of the Setswana names.It takes an understanding of the culture of Batswana to get to know how truly poetic most of these names are. Batswana are very humble, modest and God fearing, hence why most names will be related to God. E.g to say the name Boikanyo means a dependence makes no sense whatsoever. "Go ikanyega" essentially means to be reliable, trustworthy and deserving of faith by others. So Boikanyo implies a feeling of faith that all will be well and being Motswana, you immediately seek the Almighty as the ultimate provider of remedy. However you may choose to translate this name you will not be far from what i have just said, beyond that the name will loose meaning in the Setswana context.

    1. Anonymous3:44 pm

      Nna I would like to find out what the name Tlhalefo mean? Though I have a bit of idea that it means "wisdom". Expaxting my third child and I need a name for him. The first two are girls Kagiso and Letlotlo.

  52. Anonymous9:41 am

    what does Leatuka and Tukiso means,this are my daughters' names.

  53. Anonymous9:37 am

    Ntagi is a Kalanga name. It can be directly translated as "The first"or the one who started something

  54. Anonymous9:26 am

    Dumelang bagaetsho, Leina ja me ke Lebogang. Ngwanake ene ke Tshiamo. Nka itumela fa lo ka nthusa ka thlaloso ja Tshiamo. Ke Motswana, mme ga nka ke itse loleme lwa me gonne Rra one asa lo itse sentle. Nka itumela fa lo ka nthusa ka sereto sa Mmusi (bakgatla)

  55. Palesa3:29 pm

    -Didintle.....Ditiro tsa Modimo (God's works are beautiful)
    -Thoriso.....Praises of God

  56. Othabetswe12:07 pm

    Kena Othabetswe - ke thabetswe (they are happy for me)
    Kenna Olebogetswe - ke lebogetswe (I'm thanked for in advance)
    Kenna Pontsho(show)

  57. Anonymous10:59 am

    Ke kopa tlaloso ya leina Sampaku

  58. Ke tlaa leka ka bojotlhe go tlhalosa mangwe a maina jaaka go kopile babadi.
    Boingotlo = Humility
    Leatuka = it is burning (love or lamp)
    Phemelo =(fortress, shield of protection)
    Laone = Of Him (Word of God)
    Madiale, is a female version of Diale, which is plural form of Seale, Seale means, a hint, to take note.
    Onkgopotse = He remembered me.
    Boineelo = To surrender
    Nchadi = a nickname derived from Mosadi, meaning a woman.

    1. Mokgabo11:05 pm

      Pula bagaetsho .
      Mma ke itumelela tlhaloso ya gago e e tsepameng. O opile kgomo lenaka. My twin boys names are Ponatshego and Phemelo
      Ponatshego = Revelation , how God showed Himself (to me)
      Phemelo = my Fortress, my shield of protection
      This was the same year my only late brother was brutally murdered , and hence had no other sibling, I was blessed with them . They obviously can never replace him but amid everything I have since and am constantly reminded that He is my fortress, he will protect me and is always there with me , I am never alone.

  59. Dumelang

    Ke solofetse leseanyana monakong esa fediseng pelo mme im looking for a nice not so popular Tswana name.

    Nka lebogela thuso ya lona.

    1. Mmakeng meaning Praise him/God

  60. Ngwana wa me wa mosetsana o filwe leina la Kaone ke bagolo kwa Botswana, n ka rata fa leka nthusa ka tlhaloso ya lona le maina a basimana a simololang ka K mme a sa tlwaelega. Pula!!

  61. Solofelang11:09 pm

    Nna bagetsho kea gana gore Maria ke leina la setswana. fa ke le phoso ke kopa go lemoswa gore ka lebaka lefe.

  62. Anonymous1:53 am

    Ke kopa thuso ka leina la Theo, ke batla go le fa first born yame,i luv the name,iz one of the celebrities' bt i dnt knw the meaning, plz help

  63. Anonymous10:22 pm

    Ke kopa hlaloso ya leina Gaolopelwe,people ask me what it means and I just don't have clarity.

  64. boikanyo1:38 pm

    setswana realy have lots of mean i apreciate to be tswana boy

  65. Tebogo Mothupinyane1:43 pm

    Tota go monate go nna motswana ruri. mare fela fa ele maina a mangwe one ruri a tshegisa

  66. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Hello everyone,I'm expecting my 1st child and I'm so happy.Pls give me a list of unique,beautiful n meaningful setswana names.Thanx

  67. Anonymous7:32 am

    dumelang bagaetso, ke kopa motswana yo o tlhololo a nthuse ka tlhaloso ya leina la Mmamodisa/se

    1. Anonymous2:11 pm

      THoriso, Ditebogo, Gomolemo, Omolemo, Refentse, Relesego

  68. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Go wena Anonimase :Maina a setswana kea:Raditlhase
    O tla itlhophela

  69. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Dumelang bagaetsho
    Nna ke kopa tlhaloso ya maina -Oagile & Kagontle

  70. Anonymous3:48 pm

    Ke ne ke nagana gore Boikanyo e raa gore- fithfullness

  71. Anonymous11:49 am


    Ke kopa tlhaloso ya maina alatelang:


    1. Anonymous11:56 am

      I love the name Leago, what does it mean?

  72. Anonymous9:47 pm

    Please help with the meaning of the following name

    1. Gontse means enough,It's a name normally given to the last born child in the family

  73. Anonymous1:40 pm

    What does "Kgalaletso" mean??? Plz help I am a pedi

  74. Anonymous6:39 pm

    ke rata maina a thata...bogolo jang ka gore la me le teng fa....

  75. Anonymous2:59 pm

    nna ke khutsafalo,ke solofela go bona ngwana mo dikgweding tse tlang mme ke tla mmitsa Atlego-sucsess

  76. Dumelang bagaeso
    Nna ka leina ke Kamogelo(Acceptance).

    Responding to some of the comments or questions asked,starting with Ntagi:From my knowledge,Ntagi could mean 'bright','kganya','Lesedi' EG: Go tagile felo fa,meaning 'its bright out here/go lesedi felo fa'

    Matsie could mean 'a female locust',Tsie-Locust.

  77. Anonymous9:01 am

    good morning Batswana,

    I am married to a tswana man who stays in Pretoria and does not know that deep tswana i love very much. kindly assist with translation of the following names


  78. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Do any of you know what Gomolemo means?

  79. Anonymous2:05 pm

    Leina lame ke Kgotsofatso, "Satisfaction" ke le rata thata, very beautiful for a girl

  80. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Bonjour, I just love you name Kagiso khaole... Je t'aime beaucoup..


  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Anonymous10:52 am

    I wish i was fluent in setswana.
    The names are beautiful.
    May you please translate the below names that i would love to give my for my future baby.


  83. Anonymous9:35 am

    Dumelang bagaetsho,nna leitibolo la me Remmogo ka leina nd I'm expecting my second child late this year,ke ratile leina la Kopano le Motheo,lo naganang ka ona,la Isago lona?

  84. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Pls help -the name Kaelo- wat does it mean? I luv de name,but I dnt knw de exact meaning

    1. could order..or direction/guidance...

  85. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Nna ke rata maina a Botlhale, Tlhalefo, Tlhompo, Tlhomamo

  86. Anonymous10:40 am

    Dumelang Batswana

    Nna ke ne ke ithaya kere le KATLEGO ke leina la Setswana? Kana nako nngwe re kopakopanya Setswana le Sestho.

    1. Anonymous7:52 pm

      katlego ke setswana,katleho ke sesotho

  87. Anonymous6:07 pm


    Ke kopa go botsa gore courage/courageous e ra goreng ka setswana?

  88. Hi can someone please let me know what the meaning of the name Omolemo please

    1. Molemo means good/great/ O..(mostly God) he is good/great/fair...

  89. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Good Day...

    I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had no name in mind but the one thing I wanted was a nice meaningful Setswana name, want on the internet and I find this page. Funny thing I loved all the names but all one got my eye the most, Khumoetsile, wealth has come. The beauty of her name it really had a meaning cause by that time me and her father were not working but by the grace of God he found a job and later I also found work.

  90. Anonymous7:54 pm

    What does Thathego mean? is it a male or female name?

  91. Anonymous3:48 pm

    Dumelang banna ba thari e ntsho :) gopolang tlhe gore ga se maina otlhe a Setswana a anang le bokao. A mangwe ke maina a a sa tlhalosegeng, segolo fa o leka go a tlhalosa ka sekgoa.

  92. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Dumelang bana ba thari e ntsho :) gopolang tlhe gore ga se maina otlhe a Setswana a anang le bokao. A mangwe ke maina a a sa tlhalosegeng, segolo fa o leka go a tlhalosa ka sekgoa.

  93. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Dumelang Batswana, ke kopa tlhaloso ya leina "Regomoditswe" ka sekgoa

  94. Pule Herman Mokubyane2:54 pm

    Pule ke nna kare a maina a mantle tota.

  95. Anonymous1:42 am

    Dumelang Batswana. Ke kopa tlhaloso ya leina GABOHELE/KGABOHELE please

  96. Anonymous10:39 am

    Dumelang batho ba bantle jaaka nna ! Nna leina laame ke Koketso kwa Moruleng. Maitemogelo aame a maina a setswana ke gore a monaaate e le ruri, mme e bile ke lo neela aa latelang..Peo ( seed ) le Sebaga ( cultural necklace ) for women. Ke a leboga , letsa ke go neeele a mangwe 083 998 1559

  97. Anonymous12:36 pm

    KAELO is a boy name meaning GUIDANCE OR GUARDIAN

  98. Anonymous4:39 pm

    Dumwlang Batswana ke kopa tlhaloso ya leina le Seothaeleng.

  99. Hi

    I am looking to name our child Leano but would like to encompass the entire meaning which is "His divine plan". what is the seTswana word for 'Divine"?

  100. Anonymous11:52 pm

    My baby's name is Marang Leabua Motlagomang. My husband is tswana and I just love tswana names

  101. Anonymous7:03 am

    Dumelang tlhe bagolo, kopa tlhaloso ya mabitso Kakanyo le Reatlegile

  102. Madume go botlhe...

    A mangwe a maina...Regomoditswe meaning we've been comforted..or consolation.. Kakanyo meaning thought or meaningful.. Reatlegile meaning we've passed or succeeded..Pholoso..we've been saved orthe process ya go folosa...Ditumediso,meaning greetings.. Keletlhokile,meaning you are without/out of something(mainly luck,love,wealth).
    Reply to my comments for more...

    Ke le akaletsa masego le matlhogonolo bagaetsho,are tswelleng pele re ikgantsheng...pula!!!

  103. Anonymous11:53 am

    Dumelang Batswana,please help me with translation of the name Phemelo

  104. hey guys, does anyone know what Kaelo means?

  105. Please someone explain the name Obakeng....thank you

  106. Anonymous3:02 pm

    please help me with the meaning of the name Leago

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Hie please help me with the meaning of mmadikoane magadikeng

  109. Anonymous11:56 am

    Hi, ke kopa tlhaloso ya leina 'Duduetsang'

  110. Anonymous8:33 am

    Ke Kopa tlhalosho ya kaone

  111. Hi I would like to find out the meaning of the name Kebaleletse and kebabetwi
    My husband is a tswana desendant who's parents moved to Namibia

  112. Dumelang bana bathari satswa go tshola ngwana wa mosetsana mme ke mo teile ka re ke ene Mmarona MaMorena. Jaanong ke utlwa ke rata leina Thatohatsi

  113. Matshidiso12:57 pm

    Ke kopa maina a monate a setswana a sa tlwaelegang,ke nale bana ba babedi Tshimologo le Tshegofatso mme ke solofetse wa boraro. ..ntlhageng thuso bagaetsho PULA!

  114. Anonymous10:22 am

    Leina la ngwanake le Kaboentle Otshepahetse , ke kopa maina for ngwana wa bo bedi

  115. Anonymous3:45 am

    hi maina a Setswana amonate tota..... nna maina a bana bame ke
    Tshwanelo, Lebone, Letloltlo

  116. Anonymous3:50 am


  117. Maina a Setswana amonate....just like my own #KEKGOMODITSWE and as for my surname #KGOSINKWE ...monate tota��

  118. Dumelang, nna ke Keabecwe bana ba ka ba basimane ke mafatlha maina a bone ke Tlotlo o mongwe Osego, ke rata Phemelo, Motheo le Oratile

  119. Somebody asked about this manes
    Moshete : Moshete is one name for the Barolong baga Ratlau_Seitshirio in Khunwana chiefs. Moshete was named after Reverend Moffat. But they are Barolong so they just said Moshete instant of Moffat.
    Montshioa comes from go ntsha (take out) Motho yo o ntshitswe (This person has take out of this situation)
    Molemo (Medicine or Kindness)
    Modiri (The one who does) Modimo ke Modiri wa tsotlhe (God is the One who does everything)

  120. Anonymous8:23 pm

    Obakeng,praise him 'God'yaa setswana se monate tota

  121. Anonymous10:55 pm

    Nna ke le Agisanang, setlogolo sa Kerileng le Pule, ke leboga go menagane ka maina a o a kopantshitseng a. Ke ne ka ka latlhela tlhware legonnyana mme fela gona le mo eketeng kea leketlhanyana. O foo ke fano

  122. Anonymous11:29 am

    Madume, bagaetso. may i request assistance regarding the meaning of my name. i was given a name Mokoloane by my grandmother and my parents dont know what is the meaning of the name and i am also frustrated as well. if anyone my assist i would appreciate.

  123. Anonymous4:04 pm

    Meaning of Kaelo

  124. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Help I really have to give a child a name now, people are waiting. I like the name, but I don't know what does the name means

  125. Hi, Would like to know what does the name Kaone mean?

  126. Jennifer5:14 pm

    Hi, I just wanted to know what Leodio means and if it's a suitable name for a boy...

  127. Dumelang... nka rata go itsi tlhaloso ya leina Orediretse

  128. Dumelang... nka rata go itsi tlhaloso ya leina Orediretse

  129. Bophelo meaning Life
    Boitshepo meaning to trust
    Pako meaning Praise
    Dimpho meaning Gifts
    Bokang meaning Worship or Praise
    Naledi meaning star
    Kgotso meaning Peace
    Lethabo meaning to be happy or happiness
    Matlhogonolo meaning Blessings
    Tlhogonolofatso meaning Blessing

  130. Anonymous3:40 pm

    Is it Lerato or Lorato in seTswana?

  131. Hi Botswana leina kuno Le raya eng

  132. Ke kopa hlalosa ya maina a. Oaikanyega..Oikantswe..Oikanyegile

    1. Oaikanyega means he/God is trustworthy or faithful

      Oikantswe means he/God is trusted

      Oikanyegile means he/God is faithful or trustworthy

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Ke kopa hlalosa ya maina a. Oaikanyega..Oikantswe..Oikanyegile

    1. He/God is trust worthy/faithful

  135. Anonymous11:17 am

    hi dear can u help me with the name Leago & keokeditswe

  136. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Ke batla leina fa batho ba bua dintlha mo di kopanong

  137. I named my son Botlhale meaning Intelligency.

  138. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Orediretse = He did it for us.

  139. Madume..

    Thapamelo eraya goreng?

  140. Anonymous5:40 pm

    Im inlove with the name ponatshego im expecting a baby girl so i would love to know the meaning.

  141. Hi my name is Goitsemang and I'm looking for the meaning...anyone help me please!!

  142. Hi my name is Goitsemang and I'm looking for the meaning...anyone help me please!!

  143. I'm having another girl the last one , meaning I have three girls now , looking for a name

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Hi my daughters name is Bokai what does it mean,I'm nt sure wn I explain it if I'm right

  146. Hi my daughters name is Bokai what does it mean,I'm nt sure wn I explain it if I'm right

  147. Hi my daughters name is Bokai what does it mean,I'm nt sure wn I explain it if I'm right

  148. Hi my daughters name is Bokai what does it mean,I'm nt sure wn I explain it if I'm right

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. What does Leago sounds like a beautiful name

  151. Can we have the meaning of Leago

  152. Dumelang batswana. A go a kgonega. Gore ke bitse ngwana Ka Maina a Leano le Laona ele maina a mabedi mme a sa tshwaragana

  153. In Moruleng, Magong and surrounding areas Modie is a complete name. It is a primarily a traditional name that would be in the family for many years. Anyway, as for the meaning Mo in Tswana names represents the word person as in The prefix derived from Motho, while the suffice in the context of this name will be derived from the root phrase go diega. This would then mean that the family had been waiting for quite impatiently for a baby or a baby girl. So, Modie I would say would talk to how the child's arrival had been delayed or rather too time

  154. Anonymous10:56 am


    nna leina la me ke Masego

    ke kopa tlhaloso ya leina le: Oshebeng

    kea leboga

    1. Oshebeng means look at him/God

  155. Anonymous4:22 pm

    hello what does katiso mean ??

  156. Anonymous11:34 pm

    Kgotsong ke kgopela tlhalosho ya leina le ntjarola/ntjarole from RSA

  157. Wat does Leago means

  158. Leina le mme ke Leago. In full its Leago la Modimo. What God has Created

  159. Anonymous10:55 pm


    Please, please could you help me with the meaning of the name SHUPING.
    Thank you

  160. Hello,
    What is the meaning of the name Kaelo?

  161. Dumela: phenyo e ka akaretsa ofentse kapo kefentse.Selo se sentle ka phenyo ke gore e akaretsa motswadi le ngwana ka bobedi ka nako e le nngwe fa o rata go bitsa ngwana ofentse mme wena motswadi kefentse. Ka english le ka kaya victory or triumph or success. Leina la mosimane wa me ke Phenyo. Ke le tlhopile ka leina lame nna mme wagwe e le Victoria eo e kayang ofentse ka setswana. Phenyo ke leina le le sa tlwaelegang ele ruri. Ebile le utlwagala monate thata mo ditsebeng.

  162. Dumela: phenyo e ka akaretsa ofentse kapo kefentse.Selo se sentle ka phenyo ke gore e akaretsa motswadi le ngwana ka bobedi ka nako e le nngwe fa o rata go bitsa ngwana ofentse mme wena motswadi kefentse. Ka english le ka kaya victory or triumph or success. Leina la mosimane wa me ke Phenyo. Ke le tlhopile ka leina lame nna mme wagwe e le Victoria eo e kayang ofentse ka setswana. Phenyo ke leina le le sa tlwaelegang ele ruri. Ebile le utlwagala monate thata mo ditsebeng.
