Monday, October 24, 2005

The Tswana people


The Tswana people are associated with the country of Botswana, whose name means 'Land of the Tswana.' But most of the people of this language group live in the northeastern part of South Africa. This densely populated area is what was Bophuthatswana, meaning 'The Gathering of the Tswana.' This place is known as the North-West province in modern independent South Africa. There are over 6000 Tswana people in Namibia, making them the countries smallest cultural group. The Namibian Tswana consist of three groups, the largest of which is the Tlharo, the second is the Tlhaping and the third the Kgalagadi who have to some extent mixed with the Kalahari Bushmen.The ancestors of the Sotho people entered the area to the south of the Limpopo River in several separate migrations. In the course of time, they were dispersed over the vast interior plateau between the eastern escarpment and the arid western regions to form four subgroups - the Tswana, North Sotho, South Sotho and East Sotho. Those who settled in the western regions preferred to be called Batswana (Tswana) while those living in the southern regions called themselves Basotho. Today, the Tswana people live in parts of Gauteng Province, the Northwest Province and the eastern parts of Botswana.


Oral tradition traces the ruling lineage of the Tswana states to the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) area. Historical evidence suggests that the Tswana states developed on the basis of royal control of cattle and on the profits of mining, manufacture and trade. The lineages of all the ruling Tswana families can be traced back to one of the following ancestors; Morolong, Masilo, and Mokgatla. Evidence suggests that the ancestors of the Tswana were living on the Highveld (the western, northern and northeastern Witwatersrand area) from at least the 17th century. Up to the 19th century, junior members of chiefdoms would often break away and form their own chiefdoms, splitting the Tswana nation into numerous small chiefdoms and overlapping ‘city’-states.

Disputes over succession and wars amongst themselves further weakened the unity of the tribe. However, this trend stopped in 1810, with the Mfecane/Difaqane upheavals when the Zulu King, Shaka, created turmoil in the interior of the country, his well-trained Zulu impis annihilating scores of tribes. White settlers, who came to the area in the late 1820s, noticed that wide areas of grassland had been cleared of people - only stonewalled ruins were left where large Tswana ‘cities’ had once stood. Tswana chiefdoms were only able to move back to cultivate their lost lands during 1837. Soon afterwards they allowed some White Voortrekkers (Boer migrants) to settle on the Highveld.

Unfortunately, hostilities eventually broke out between the two groups when the Boers attacked the Kwena of Sechele at Dimawe. This action prompted an alliance of emerging Tswana kingdoms that was eventually to result in a unified Tswana nation including the Kwena, the Ngwaketse, the Rolong of Montshiwa and even the Ngwato of Sekgoma. Sechele, the Kwena king, was the most powerful Tswana leader from the 1850s to the 1870s. However, other northern Tswana states soon began to challenge his influence and his subject chiefdoms began to move away towards semi-independence.

Soon the-all-too familiar game of playing one power off against another started in earnest. These independent groups only turned to each other again to ward off the threat of their Boer neighbours. When the Boer Transvaal Republic was annexed by the British, their fears subsided and they agreed to the establishment of the British Protectorate of Bechuanaland, which became the independent Republic of Botswana in 1966. Seretse Khama, whose ancestor, Khama III, ruled over the Ngwato kingdom until his death in 1923, became the republic’s first executive president and was subsequently knighted by the British. Today, the main Tswana groups live either in South Africa or in Botswana.

Tswana Tribes:

The Tswana tribe is divided into many different locally autonomous chiefdoms and tribes. Each tribe manages its own affairs but there are considerable differences between the tribes in Botswana and those in South Africa. During the apartheid years, South African Tswana tribes lived under the jurisdiction of the South African government in the Bophuthatswana homeland. The Tswana chiefs who were recognised under the previous government still claim their status and the right to rule their people, even though the homeland system has now been abolished.

Social and Cultural Life

Since each Tswana tribe had its own territory and name, it was not at all strange to find Tswana tribes with different customs and languages. Tswana tribes have never been rigid, closed systems and there were various ways in which a person could become a member of a tribe. Members of the tribe could also be expelled by the chief or could leave voluntarily to join another tribe. Today, many Tswana who live in the cities do not associate with a specific tribe but they do acknowledge a totem and the genealogical relationship they share with others of the same totem.


Totemism has long been a feature of the Tswana culture and refers to the veneration of an animal, plant or an object. Each individual associates himself or herself with a specific totem. Many existing Tswana myths and legends explain why certain totems were adopted. Association with a particular totem carried with it certain responsibilities and traditions. Should a member not act according to the rules, that person would have to undergo a purification ceremony to prevent misfortune. The Tswana household was the smallest social unit and consisted of the husband, his wife and their unmarried children.
However, in some cases it also included married sons and daughters and their families. Each homestead consisted of one or more houses with grain storage areas in a courtyard, surrounded by a reed or wooden fence or a mud wall. The houses were used mainly for sleeping; cooking and other social activities being done outdoors in the courtyard area.

Gender roles

The man was the head of the household and was treated with respect, obedience and service by his wives and children. He made all the decisions regarding the distribution of property and he also took care of all legal dealings with outsiders. The head of the household also had the task of performing prayers and sacrifices on behalf of his family. The Tswana treated their elders with great respect and obedience. Old men were called rra or ntate and the older women were called mme. Breaches of the rules of respect were seen as serious offences in Tswana society. Tswana men were always rated higher than women.

A Tswana women was seen as a permanent minor who would always be under men’s authority, whether it be her father, her husband or her husband’s father or brother. Women were also excluded from political or religious meetings and some places were reserved for the use of men only. Men and women ate separately and sat apart at social gatherings. Mothers who gave birth only to daughters were generally despised - the birth of a son was much preferred. Children were grouped according to physical development, birth to two years (masea), 3-8 years (banyanee), 9-13 - boys (basemane) and girls (basetsana) and from 14 until allocated to an age set.
Boys older than 14 used to wear special costumes, perform special dances at their gatherings and were allowed great personal freedom, especially regarding sexual matters. The older boys also spent much time at cattle stations herding their father’s livestock while girls of the same age had domestic duties to do and took care of the younger children.


Allocation into an age-set or a regiment (mophato) marked the beginning of adulthood. A regiment consisted of men and women of roughly the same age who had been initiated at the same time. The chief would create a new regiment every four to seven years, when eligible 16-20 year old boys and girls could be initiated together. The regiment would also include a member of the chief’s family who, from then on, would be the accepted leader of the group. In earlier times, the boys underwent a rigorous initiation process that included circumcision and seclusion in the bush. The initiates were subjected to hardships and taught the laws, traditions and customs of their people. However, this practice disappeared during the 1930’s because European missionaries persuaded the chiefs that it constituted immoral behaviour.
The king would give each regiment a unique name, usually after some event that had taken place during the initiation, such as a thunderstorm. Anyone not belonging to a regiment would not be allowed to marry. The members of the same regiment worked together and, in the case of men, fought together. They were intimate companions and equals and enjoyed a sense of solidarity and regimental pride. Members of a regiment were expected to respect the members of all previously formed regiments and would in turn be respected by their juniors.

The regimental leaders dealt with breaches of discipline in a court situation. Today, initiation is again becoming popular among contemporary youths. Initiation is seen as a mark of African identity and pride. Girls used to be initiated during a ceremony held at home. This included dancing, masquerades and some form of 'marking”, usually on the inner thigh. The girls also underwent severe forms of punishment and received formal instruction in matters regarding agriculture, behaviour towards men and sex.

Belief System

Ancestor worship was an important ritual. The spirits of the ancestors had to be appeased to encourage them to stay in their own spirit world and to ward off misfortune. The help of the ancestors was sought to ward off afflictions such as epilepsy, insomnia and hysteria, to name but a few. The ngaka or witchdoctor played an import part in everyday life and acted as doctor, psychiatrist and medium between the troubled or bereaved and their ancestors. His counterpart, the diviner or bone-thrower, was cheaper to consult and offered interpretations of problems according to the way in which the bones fell. However, many modern-day Tswanas have converted to Christianity and no longer participate in the old religious customs and rituals.

Taken from:


DADI said...

thank you for being a rear form of information. what i would really like to know is my BAHURUTSHE- TSHWENE THEME OR RATHER CULTURAL SONG

Anonymous said...

Ke utlwa gore ke motswana,tota-tota mokgwatleng,wa kgotla yoo RraDintwe.Se ke se tlhokang ke pokoya kgwatleng.Nka e Itumelela tota fa op ka nthomelela yona mo
Kea leboga
Daddy Dintwe

MODIBOA said...

im very happy to have stumbled upon this site, wow so much knowlage to share amongst Batswana.
Janong ke nale posonyana keatsepa gore mongwe aka thusa.
It seems like not much has been capture on this Kgosi and his genealogical background please help.
please email me on

Anonymous said...

Ke motlitlio e bile ke ipela ka se gaetsho.

Anonymous said...

Ijaa ke gakgamaditswe ke gore the Tswanas originally are from East Africa.Didn't even know gore ba teng batswana ko Namibia. Nna ke kgabo Mokgatla wa Kgafela ko Moruleng

Anonymous said...

Tota puo ya setswana e monate ko motlotlo go nna motswana. Nna ke mokwena wa sechele mme nka leboga thata o itseng poko ya gaetsho a nthomelle mo

Unknown said...

Madume Batswana ba gaetsho,ke kopa leboko la Bakalaka,nthomelelang lona mo e-mail e,

Anonymous said...

Madume botlhe!!! with all due respect, where can i locate documented Batlhaping cultural symbols? i am at

Anonymous said...

Madume bagaetsho, nna ke month kgatla mme nka itumela fa lo ka nthusa ka sereto sa bakgatla. Lo ka nthumela sone mo

Unknown said...

I'm Cheryl Molefe, apparently I'm a mmokgatla, please give me information about this tribe, they say rebina kgabo mokgatla,i also want the traditional Botswana song of this tribe, my email,

Doda said...

My name is Kamogelo Modiselle. I have been struggling to find 'direto' tsa bo Modiselle. I believe it is a major part of me that I cannot continue without knowing. I would appreciate any help:

Anonymous said...

Madume batswana,nna ka leina ke biditswe(gontse)ka mme le mtate,bane ba lebogela dimpho tseo modimo a bafileng tsona(children's),ke morokologadi,kwa ga kgosi,maotoe,keana noko,ketsalwa ke mosadi wa mo Zulu,kerata setso sa me,dumelang batswana.

Anonymous said...


Ke ka itumela fa mingwe a ka nthomela poko ya etsho ya Baphuting. Pulaaaaa!!

Sehlabi T said...

I am very excited to have come across this page where you provided your contacts. I am Mosotho man aged 35,I was born in Lesotho and grew up here in Lesotho, but it seems our origin is in Botswana, I have always wanted to know more about BAROLONG MMINA TSHIPI (NOTO). I actually know nothing about this clan. Even my elders know little about it. Can you at least provide with the praise song of the same. If the group is open for everyone can I please join? It will be my pleasure to know my origin. Thank you in advance.
please contact me @

Unknown said...

Dumelang bagaetsho, ke kopa leboko la batlhaping ba ga Molehe

Unknown said...

my name is Komane wa Magalefa, would you please be so kind to provide me with tswna start swith....."kgabo mokgatla ga e je boreku....please help me out. I have been a sking so many people about Bakgatla.

msiskoo said...

Dumelang Bakgatla,

ke kopa le nthusa ka sereto sa Kgabo Mokgatla (

Unknown said...

Nna ke kopa goitse ga losika la ga Sekati ( Bakwena) kwa Phokeng.

Unknown said...

Leina la me ke Mantsha-senya setlogolwana sa Senne ( Mother's side) ke mokoena Sekati (father's side). Please send me any information regarding Sekati clan @

Unknown said...

I'm searching for Kgama or Khama clan name

Unknown said...

Madume bagaetsho nna ke Semoko, ke Ramasodi aSefiri, ke sedibelo molelo, sea shwa sea tshologa,morula o okutu kgolo bakgatla. Bana ba sefatana sa moruleng, sese kileng sa shwa metse ya falala, metse ee kileng ya tshaba maputlela.Ekile ya tshaba ke morwantsa ejele ntsanyana ya thata ya molefe a masilo

Anonymous said...

Madume bagaetsho. Leina lame ke Dineo waga Phala (mother) (RRE ke waga Zwane)
nkaitumella go itse ka losika lwaga Phala , le seane sa bakgatla (Kgabo)
Seo ke seitsing ke gore ba tsalelwa ko Makwasi / Leeu Doring Staat, mme garetlhole rena le balosika kwano mo Gauteng kgotsa kitso ka setswana sagaetsho.


Sonono Majatladi Wa Seabe said...

Ke Kgabo e Kgolo ya Mmatabane Modise'a Botlholo. Mokgatla wa Seabe Sa Majatladi Morena'a mpa dikgolo ereng o ja tladi o le Kgosi. Wena wa Diale, wena wa Tabane, wena wa Botlholo, wena wa Legabo, wena wa Malekeleke Mokgatla.

Unknown said...

good day people my name is vuyokazi mohatsela at home they say my clan start with mokgatla i do not know what else please help me find my identity

Unknown said...

Madume Batswana ba gaetsho. Me kopa maboko a dikgosi TSA Bahurutshe. Me Lena go tlhotlhomisa tlhago ya Bahurutshe. Le nna me motshweneng. My e-mail:

Anonymous said...

Dumelang batswana, ke motlhaping wa ga Molehe, wa kgotla ya nkwatla. Khiba ya mmaditlhong,basadi ba bolaya tlhware banna ba e tshaba.

Mpho Kalasi said...

Dumelang bagaetsho nna ke kopa goitse ka kghotla ya Kalasi gotswa Pudimoe

Unknown said...

Madume nne kekopa thuso I'm struggling to find dureto tsaga Khunou please email me if you know them thank you

Unknown said...

Bagaetsho nka itumela fa nka nna le seboko sa Bakgwatleng. Email

Unknown said...

Dumelang bagaetsho ke batla go itse leboko la ga nkoe

Unknown said...

Kgabo mokgatla wa kgafela

Unknown said...

Dumelang bageotsho. Nna ke kopa leboko la ga Tsele

Thabang Lefiri said...

Madume leina lame ke Thabang waga Lefiri!Ke tsoaletswe mo Gauteng,kerata ga leka nthusa ka leboko(clan name)laga (Lefiri)legore ba inaugurates phologolo event?

Thabang Lefiri said...

Madume leina lame ke Thabang waga Lefiri!Ke tsoaletswe mo Gauteng,kerata ga leka nthusa ka leboko(clan name)laga (Lefiri)legore ba ina phologolo efeng?

Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl may you please forward the information once you receive it.

Unknown said...

Bakgaetsho nthuseng ka sereto Sa kgabo

Unknown said...

Bakgaetsho nthuseng ka sereto sa ga Modupo goethe re:kgabo mokgatla, kgabo ga e ke borekhu..nka itumella sereto seo tlhe

Unknown said...

Ka boikokobetso leka hlompho, ka leena ke Kagiso wa ha Selemela.Ke tswalwa Gauteng ke holela teng,ke kopa gore ha mongwe a itsing ba ha Kgabo Mokgahla a nqoqele ka bone.
Ke sa hloka tataiso tabeng tsa setso.
My email ke

Unknown said...

Keep kopa o nromele serato seo face o se kereile,tswetswe

kebacius said...

It means you are a Moro long oo Ratshidi, mainly from the Noto and Tshipinare lineargy. Let's take it off li e

kebacius said...

O tota o le motlhaping, wa ga molehe, oo thipa, oo Mohutsioa wa thipa e shwadi. O mosetsanyana wa ga mmamosadinyana mmaditlhong wa khiba e ntsho e makgantsetse, mmolaya tlhware banna ba e tshaba, o namane ya tholo eo e Jang mogope e be eo lala, e be e bowa e ikgata motlhale e ntse e le wa yone..... Tholo!

Unknown said...

Hey that praise song for Kgabo Name ?I need it

Unknown said...

Ke kopa Kgabo praise 🙏🙏

Unknown said...

Ke kopa ka boikokobetso poko ya bakgwatleng.

Unknown said...

My name is victor mononyane can anyone plz ka sereto sa mononyane,

Unknown said...

Dumelang, ka lebitso ke Kwena Maboya from Limpopo. I grew up told gore ke Morolong Mminatshpi however I have no idea how we ended up in limpopo and if the Maboya surname is genuinely Tswana. My email is

Unknown said...

Really helpdful site, guys any who can help me my surname ke Moape I wanna know my clan and history please help. Heres ny email

Unknown said...

Happy find this side hope they help me with Rapodile clan please help me

Anonymous said...

Can I get clan names for bo' Kau please

Unknown said...

Kgabo e Jang boreku!

Anonymous said...

Good evening, i will pleased if someone can assist me with the Maname's clan praises.Your assistance will be highly appreciated. My email is

Bethuel Ramasodi said...

Nna ke batla batho ba ga Semoko Ramasodi... is my email.. is important

Bethuel Ramasodi said...

Dumela kgabo. Ke na le bo Semoko ba ba 5 ka mo gae mo Nokaneng.

Unknown said...

Nna ke Lesedi Kau wa Modikwe wa Sephume wa Phalatse. Sereto sa rona sa re: Kau ke ngwana maphefo tlhaba o bolaye bodidi. Ke ngwana wa motshikidi o mogolo wa go tsieta kwena. Ngwana wa go gana ho romiwa... ngwana wa di tsarra mmele...

Anonymous said...

Nna ke kopa seboko sa bakgwatleng

Unknown said...

Nna ka leina ke Sellwane ke mokgwatleng ke kopa seboko sa gaeco

Unknown said...

Dumels tlhe. Le nna ke a le tlhoka leboko leo mme ke a palelwa. Ke Simphiwe Tsele fano.

Unknown said...

Nna ka leina ke Boitumelo ke mokgwatleng ke kopa seboko sa gaeco

Unknown said...

Ke kopa le nthuse ka sereto sa kgabo mokgatla e ja boreku

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Dumelang bagolo ke kopa go itsi direto tsa gwa Tsele

Anonymous said...

Help someone is Maditsi Tswana or Mopedi

Anonymous said...

Good day please help me find the Phepheng clan praises and clan names

Anonymous said...

Please help with Phepheng or Phepeng you ca on forward info to

Mokete Kolojane said...

Dumelang bagaetsho nna ke ikopela leboko la Bakgwatlheng, ke kopa to o nang le lone a nthomelele lone ko

Anonymous said...

Kekopa leboko lakwa lefiri if anyone has please email to

Anonymous said...

Love this but can we please have a full version

A Batsheng said...

Madume ke kopa leboko la basetlhatsela

Anonymous said...

Dumpling batswana baga eso nna ka le ina ke Tshegofatso Soepeng ke kopa le nthuseng kase retro saga Soepeng

Anonymous said...

I love this